ХX Conference-Competition on R&D of Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK

Kurchatov, EKO, Republic of Kazakhstan, 06 - 08 October 2021


The Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Total number of accepted papers – 31, of them: IRSE – 9, IAE – 16, INP – 1, IGR – 3, non-competitive – 2 (fundamental - 2, engineering and technical – 5, applied – 24).

Paper presentation time limit (including q&a) – 20 min.

Working language – Kazakh and Russian.


October 6, Wednesday – opening, presentations

October 7, Thursday – presentations

October 8, Friday – competition closing, summary, awarding.


November 10  – term for acceptance of articles for publication in “NNC RK Bulletin” journal
(in accordance with the journal publication requirements)


Relevance, practical value (significance of the issue the work is dedicated to), level – scientific, engineering, novelty of the results, degree of the work completeness, personal contribution of the competitor, style of presentation and the level of knowledge of the material.

Additional criteria for assessment, taking into account the features of the areas, are:

  • fundamental – level of publications;
  • engineering and technical – assessment of technical solutions;
  • applied – competitive ability.

The highest rate for a work is 35 scores. The participant who earned the maximum score as a result of summing up the score from all the jouri members, is the winner.


Winning places and rewards:

one first-place reward in amount of 125 000 tenge;

two second-place rewards in amount of 75 000 tenge;

three third-place rewards in amount of 60 000 tenge.

four incentive rewards, 40 000 tenge in the following nominations:

  •  Best speaker
  •  Best design of work
  •  Originality of work
  •  To the active participant

one reward for the innovational work in amount of  25000 tenge.

Each participant will be awarded the certificate of participant of the conference-competition.

Each participant, taken a winning place will be awarded a diploma.

All participants should prepare their presentations in ppt/pptx format and email them to the members of the organization committee of the corresponding branch no later than 18:00 p.m. of October 05, 2021


The speakers are recommended to present their reports in the locations of their institutes, prepared provided for sanitary norms of their institutes, however, individual connection is also possible.

The personal conference identification code for connection will be sent by the IT-specialists of the institutes no later than 5 days before the competition.

Participants of the online conference need to have means of audio-video communication, and install a respective software/application to be used on his computer, tablet or phone, get registered with full name specified and connect to Zoom Video Communications. To download the software/applications for any PC operating system or mobile platform, please use the link: https://zoom.us/download. It’s recommended to get the software installed on your device in advance. This will allow you to get connected to the webinar and test different capabilities of the software before the event starts.

For individual connection, a speaker should direct an inquire for connection to the conference administrator no later than 15 minutes before the starting time specified in the program.

An online transmission for the hosts on YouTube will be available on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyZAi2RdmQ906gLweFjvMXA.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact IT-specialists of your organization.

Vladimir Alexandrovich CHERNOV, technician of the Group for information systems and communication of the branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, tel. +7 747 148 9202

Adlet Merhatovich EREZHEPBAYEV, engineer of the Department 290, w.n. 4174 of the branch IAE RSE NNC RK, tel. +7 777 316 0747

Egor Sergeevich KITOV, technician of the IT Department, RSE NNC RK, tel.+7 705 302 1945

Vladimir Sergeevich TUMASHEV, technician RSE INP RK, tel. +7 708 210 8473

Pavel Victorovich RYABENKO, research associate for the branch IGR, tel.+7 777 704 2684

The following locations, equipped with means for video communication (web-camera, display, microphone), will be used for the purpose of the event:

RSE INP – scientific council hall, Alatau settlement, Ibragimov Str. 1

Branch IGR – Center for Collection and Processing Special Seismic Information, Almaty city, L.Chaykina Str., 4; Kurchatov town, “Meridian” site

Branch IAE RSE NNC RK – building 270 room 202, Kurchatov town, Beibyt atom Str., 10

Branch IRSE RSE NNC RK – small conference-hall, Kurchatov town, Beibyt atom Str., 2


October 6, 2021, Wednesday


Organization / Full Name / Paper topic / Area

10.00 - 10.10




10.10 - 10.30

 Branch IAE

 Kuanysh Kanatuly Samarkhanov

 Emission of spattered particles under inert gases mixture excitation by nuclear reaction product 6Li (n, α)3H


10.30 – 10.50


 Mikhail Sergeevich Merezhko

 Features of plastic strain isolation in highly irradiated austenite steels, detected using digital image correlation method




10.50 - 11.10

 Branch IAE

 Kuanyshbek Orazbekovich Toleubekov

 Modelling of simulation process of decay heat in corium at Lava-B facility

 Engineering and technical

11.10 – 11.30

 Technical break

11.30 - 11.50

 Branch IAE

 Azizkhan Nurtayevich Satibekov

 Research into amplitude-frequency response parameters of antenna feeder device of plasma additional heating HF system in KTM tokamak

 Engineering and technical

11.50 – 12.10

 Branch IAE

 Stanislav Alexeyevich Il’inykh

 Upgrading of measurement and testing subsystem and automation at “EAGLE” test bench

 Engineering and technical

12.10 – 12.30

 Branch IAE

 Erzhan Askaruly Kabdylkakov

 Development of program code for setting energy spatiotemporal distribution in elements of experimental device

 Engineering and technical


 Lunch break



14.00 – 14.20

 Branch IAE                

 Gainiya Kaiyrdykyzy Zhanbolatova

 Effect of recrystallization annealing to formation of carbidized layer on tungsten surface


14.20 – 14.40

 Branch IAE

 Erkhat Dauletkhanuly Dauletkhanov

 Development of test facility for small-scale sample testing using SPT method


14.40 – 15.00

 Branch IRSE

 Rinata Gennadyevna Lavrikova

 Nature of STS lakes’ radioactive contamination


15.00 – 15.20

 Branch IRSE

 Yuriy Evgenyevich Artamonov

 Determination of seasonal change in radon isotopes concentration at the territory of Kurchatov town


15.20 – 15.40

 Branch IAE

 Eldos Zhannuruly Akbolatov

 Optimization of manual argon arc welding of various austenite steels 12Х18Н10Т and AISI 316



 Branch IAE

 Nurkhat Aidaruly Orazgaliyev

 Beryllium radiation damage rate under low-temperature neutron irradiation


16.00 – 16.20

 Branch IAE

 Olzhas Muratbekovich Zhanbolatov

 Development of toolbox for research reactors campaign calculation in NNC RK


16.20 – 16.40

Technical break

16.40 – 17.00

 Branch IRSE

 Vladimir Valeryevich Kolbin

 Development and introduction of methodology for elements and oxides mass content determination in silicate samples using the X-ray fluorescent analysis method


17.00- 17.20

 Branch IRSE

 Ilya Petrovich Dorozhkin

 Development of software for evaluation of radionuclides concentration change upon the results of gamma-spectrometric survey at Semipalatinsk test site (study of “Experimental Field” site)


October 7, 2021, Thursday


Organization / Full name / Paper topic / Area


 Branch IAE

 Askhat Kspekovich Mukhamediev

 Evaluation of MNUP fuel post-test radiation environment in IGR reactor



 Branch IRSE

 Dina Biyakhmetovna Biyakhmetova

 Electron paramagnetic resonance of human being tooth enamel within the range of high doses of occupational exposure



 Branch IGR

 Darkhan Kaldaruly Komekbayev

 Application of historical seismic records of peaceful nuclear explosions in studying lithospheric structure in Southern Kazakhstan



 Branch IGR

 Nurbek Asylbekovich Seinassinov

 Magnitude sensitivity of Karatau array in Central Asian seismic monitoring.



 Technical break


 Branch IGR

 Mikhail Victorovich Shulga

 Application of electric prospecting with monitoring of engineering-geological conditions and minimized geodynamic processes within nuclear industry regions



 Branch IAE

 Vadim Sergeevich Bochkov

 Research into the effect of deuterium blowing to tritium isolation of lead-lithium eutectics under reactor irradiation


11.20 – 11.40

 Branch IRSE

 Tatyana Sergeevna Ponomareva

 “Pattern of 137Cs behavior in “soil-plant” system at STS radioactive contaminated territory


11.40 – 12.00

 Branch IRSE

 Gani Mukhtarovich Esilkanov

 Application of multiple statistical methods to discover ecological-geochemical features of ground waters at conventional background STS areas


12.00 – 12.20

 Branch IAE

 Zhunisbek Sagyngali Andasbekuly

 Spectroscopic research of plasma in KTM tokamak



 Lunch break

14.00 – 14.20

 Branch IRSE

 Elena Sergeevna Syssoyeva

 Features of radionuclides distribution in forest litter at the territory adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test site


14.20 – 14.40

 Branch IAE

 Radmila Radikovna Sabitova

 MCNP-DART simulation of neutron irradiation for assessment of IVG.1M reactor witness-samples radiation damage rate


14.40 – 15.00

 Branch IAE

 Stanislav Nikolayevich Svetachev

 Comparison of fission products output from NEU and LEU fuel of reactor IVG.1M during life tests


15.00 – 15.20

 Branch IRSE

 Erzhan Nurlanovich Tleukanov

 Evaluation of Irtysh river ecological status


15.20 – 15.40

 Branch IAE

 Aryngazy Ersin Bolatkaliuly

 Proving a methodology for measuring LEU fuel rods nickel coating thickness in IVG.1M reactor


15.40 – 16.00

 Technical break



16.00 – 16.20

 NJSC Shakarim University (non-competitive)

 Anel Rashitovna Baissarova

 Effect of components to thermo-physical properties of multi-component food products

 Engineering and technical

16.20 – 16.40

 NJSC Shakarim University (non-competitive)

 Umyrzhan Temirlan Nurlanuly

 Research into energy efficiency of Karazhyra coal-based fuel bricks annealing


October 8, 2021, Friday



09.00 – 10.00

 Discussion of jouri

11.00 – 12.00