Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (RSE NNC RK) under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
“Institute of Geophysical Research” branch of the RSE NNC RK
On June 01, 2023, the XXII Annual R&D Competition Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK has completed its work.
The contestants submitted 33 papers for consideration by the jury.
Following all presentations, the secretariat of jury was provided with 12 ranking voting ballots.
When reward determining, the number of points obtained by contestants was considered according to the following criteria:
- applicability;
- practical value (importance of a problem the paper is focused on);
- scientific and engineering level, novelty of outcomes;
- paper completeness degree;
- personal contribution of competitor;
- presentation style and material proficiency level;
Additional criteria including the specificities of lines were:
- fundamental – publication level;
- engineering – technology assessment;
- applied – competitiveness.
Results of Competition Conference:
I. First prize, diploma and cash reward is awarded to:
Dina Biyakhmetovna Biyakhmetova – leading specialist of the radio-ecological and bio-dosimetry research department of the IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Development of a new biological cytogenetic dosimetry technique under NATO project No. G5684 “Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies”.
II. Second prize, diplomas and cash rewards are awarded to:
- Ainamgul Altayevna Utesheva – researcher at the laboratory of research and analysis of materials at “Institute of High Technology” LLP for “Fundamentally new methods for separating rare earth elements from radioactive components in process of solutions”;
- Olzhas Muratbekovich Zhanbolatov – junior researcher at the laboratory of thermo-physical and neutron-physical characteristics’ research of radiation devices at IAE branch of RSE NNC RK for “A toolkit for a comprehensive study of the dynamic parameters of IGR reactor”.
III. Third prize, diplomas and cash reward are awarded to:
- Zhanna Yersynovna Tleukanova – head of the group of experimental research at the IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Peculiarities of radionuclide redistribution and migration in the aquatic environment of the Semipalatinsk Test Site area”;
- Yelena Sergeyevna Sysoyeva – engineer-ecologist of the department of radio-ecological and bio-dosimetry research at IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Study of the effect of radiation factor on the structural-anatomical parameters of Phaseolus vulgaris”;
- Igor Olegovich Marchenko – head of group of hydrogeological research at IGR branch of RSE NNC RK for “Assessment of the Balapan site for the extent of post-explosive geological processes and environmentally significant features”.
IV. Certificates of merit and cash awards are awarded to:
For the best design of the paper:
Azamat Serikkazyuly Urkunbai – engineer of the laboratory of testing the materials under conditions of thermo-nuclear reactor at the IAE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Improving the methodology for grinding metal powder mixtures”;
For originality of paper:
Asem Aidarkyzy Isagali – specialist at the Center for Acquisition and Processing of Special Seismic Information at the IGR branch of RSE NNC RK for “Kazakhstan-US field experiment to study the conditions for recording seismic events in Western Kazakhstan”;
For the best speaker:
Dauren Zhanatovich Rakhatov – engineer of the laboratory of radiation materials study at RSE INP ME RK for “Creation of installations for determining the brittle-viscosity transition temperature in highly irrigated miniature samples of ferrite-martensitic steels”;
For active participant:
Yerkhat Dauletkhanuly Dauletkhanov – 2nd category engineer of the laboratory of radiation materials study at the IAE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Strength measurement of zirconium alloys using small punch test (SPT)”;
V. Cash awards for innovative paper were awarded to:
Ruziya Yerlanovna Kelsingazina – engineer of the laboratory of reactor fuel testing at the IAE branch of RSE NNC RK for “Approaches to computational justification of experimental studies of radiation heating of materials under IGR reactor conditions”.
VI. Also, recognition gifts were awarded to:
From the Institute of Geophysical Research Branch of RSE NNC RK:
- For successful debut, Aleksandra Vyacheslavovna Kolomiytseva, engineer of radiation materials study at the RSE on REM Institute of Nuclear Physics ME RK, for “Phase-structural studies during deformation of austenitic stainless steels irradiated by neutrons in the VVR-K reactor”.
- For the best practically significant paper, Darkhan Kaldaruly Komekbayev, junior researcher at the Center for Acquisition and Processing of Special Seismic Information (CAPPSI) of the Institute of Geophysical Research Branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Dynamic parameters of recordings of peaceful nuclear explosions carried out in the USSR” (applied research).
- For the best socially significant paper, Oksana Viktorovna Ryabenko, junior researcher at the Center for Acquisition and Processing of Special Seismic Information (CAPSSI) of the Institute of Geophysical Research branch of RSE NNC RK, for “NNC RK stations network in recording and processing records of destructive earthquakes in Turkey” (applied research).
From Institute of Atomic Energy Branch of RSE NNC RK:
- For the contribution into the justification of thermo-nuclear energy materials – Nurkhat Aidayuly Orazgaliyev, 2nd category engineer of the laboratory of radiation materials study at IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “High-temperature corrosion interaction of lithium-tin alloy with stainless steel”;
- For the best paper in the field of radio-ecology – Togzhan Shalkaruly Toktaganov, 1st category engineer of the group of experimental research of the laboratory of experimental research at the department of monitoring and ecological and analytical research of IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Study of tritium pollution in the Shagan river using isotope hydrology”;
- For the contribution into the development of thermo-nuclear technologies – Kulan Zhenis, engineer at the laboratory of experimental physical installations at the IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Experimental study of gas release of graphite tiles of Tokamak KTM”;
- For the best engineering and technical development – Nikita Aleksandrovich Kireyev, engineer of technological control of KIR service at IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Automation of the process of preparing and monitoring the performance of the cavity sensor measurement system”;
- For the contribution into the safety in the field of atomic energy -
- Gulaiym Galymzhakyzy Kakimova, engineer of laboratory of thermo-physical and neutron-physical parameters research of radiation installations at IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Calculation of the activity of a steel ampoule after irradiation”,
- Askhat Kspekovich Mukhamediyev, engineer of laboratory of neutron physics at IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Simulation of the radiation situation in the central hall of IGR reactor”;
- For original scientific paper – Saulet Karimbekkyzy Ydyrysheva, junior researcher of the laboratory of nuclear-physical methods of analysis at RSE INP, for “First results of the survey of the Kapshagai reservoir water basin area. Uranium isotope distribution”;
- For the best debut – Yediluly Alikhan, engineer of the laboratory of experimental thermo-physics of IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Testing of a plasma density change system based on a gas-dynamic molecular beam source”;
- For the contribution into the development of traditional energy – Anuar Almasbekovich Bektemisov, NAC “Shakarim University of Semey”, for “Improving the service life of boiler plant chimney blades”.
From the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch of RSE NNC RK:
- For successful debut, Arailym Yerlankyzy Serik, specialist-biologist of the department of radio-ecological and bio-dosimetry research of IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Cytogenetic changes of rosea spinosissima growing in the Degelen mountain massif at the Semipalatinsk Test Site” (applied research) and Ardak Miratkyzy Miratova, 1st category technician of the department of radio-ecological and bio-dosimetry research of IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Separation of plutonium from soil by autoclave decomposition for radiochemical analysis” (applied research).
- For research and development of new methods, Almira Muratovna Raimkanova, 1st category engineer at the department of monitoring and ecology-analytical research of IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Radiocarbon distribution in the environmental components of radioactively contaminated areas of STS” (applied research).
- For the contribution into the development of the radio-ecological monitoring system of Azgir test site Diana Sabyrkhankyzy Akhmetzhanova, 2nd category engineer at the Center of Complex Research of RSE INP ME RK, for “Improvement of the system of integrated radio-ecological monitoring of the former Azgir test site” (applied research).
- For the contribution into the development of methods of integrated assessment of air pollution, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kruglykhin, 1st category engineer at the department of monitoring and ecological-analytical research of IRSE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Development of a methodology for the integrated assessment of air pollution by artificial and natural radionuclides and chemical toxicants in the impact zone of NFC facilities” (applied research).
- For the contribution into the safety of NFW management Madi Nurbekovich Azbergenov, engineer at the laboratory 232 of IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for «Fuel refinement of technology for manufacture of cement matrices with unirradiated IGR reactor fuel” (applied research).
- For the contribution into development of thermo-nuclear energy, Asel Zhanarbekkyzy Kaiyrbekova, graduate student at NAC Shakarim University of Semey, for “Assessment of the spatial distribution of local plasma parameters of the MCS” (applied research).
- For the contribution into safety of reactor experiments, Yerzhan Askaruly Kabdylkakov, 2nd category engineer at laboratory 222 of IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Modelling of thermal interaction between fuel and irradiator structural materials in Ansys” (engineering technical research).
- For striving to improve quality and representativeness of experimental data, Aibek Muratuly Demezhanov, engineer at the KIR IGR 222 management and protection system service of IAE branch of RSE NNC RK, for “Reducing the recording error of dynamically changing signals with the digital SPC recorder” (applied research).
- For integrated approach to the research of annealing process, Anastasiya Yuryevna Tarapeyeva, lab assistant at the laboratory of radiation materials study of RSE INP ME RK, for “Phase stability of highly irradiated austenitic reactor steels during isochronous annealing” (fundamental research).
VII. Every participant of the ХХII R&D Competition Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK was awarded a Competition Conference Participant Certificate.
VIII. Submitted papers were recommended for publishing in NNC Bulletin.