- Republican State Enterprise "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan", RK Ministry of Energy
- Institute of Atomic Energy Branch of the RSE "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
On May 24, 2019, the ХVIII Annual R&D Competition Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK had completed its work.
Young Scientists and Specialists submitted 32 papers for consideration by the jury.
Following that presentations, secretariat of jury were provided with 8 ranking voting ballots.
When reward determining, the number of points obtained by competitors was considered according to the following criteria:
- applicability;
- practical value (importance of a problem the paper is focused on);
- scientific and engineering level, novelty of outcomes;
- paper completeness degree;
- personal contribution of competitor;
- presentation style and material proficiency level;
including specificities of lines:
- Fundamental – publication level;
- Engineering– technology assessment;
- Applied – competitiveness.
Results of Competition Conference:
I. First prize, diploma and cash reward is awarded to:
Yernat Abilkhaiyrovich Kozhakhmetov – Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Radiative Study of Materials of the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK, for “Application of the Altami Studio Program for Structural Analysis of Fuel Elements of the IVG.1M Reactor Core” – applied.
II. Second prize, diplomas and cash rewards are awarded to:
- Olga Sergeyevna Bukina – Engineer, Laboratory for Structural and Fuel Materials Testing of the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK, for “Phase Composition Determination of Tungsten Surface Layer after Methane Plasma Affect”– applied.
- Zhanna Yersynovna Zhapasheva – Engineer, Laboratory for Transfer Mechanism Experimental Study of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “Research of 238U Distribution by Forms of Presence in Water Bodies of the Semipalatinsk Test Site” – applied.
III. Third prize, diplomas and cash rewards are awarded to:
- Togzhan Shalkaruly Toktaganov – II Category Technician, Georadioecological Research Group of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “Isotope Hydrology Studies of Water Formation Conditions at the Degelen Site” – applied.
- Yerkhat Dauletkhanuly Dauletkhanov – Engineer, Laboratory for Radiative Study of Materials of the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK for “Heat Cycling Effect on Strength Properties of LEU and HEU Fuel of the IGR Reactor” – applied.
- Ainur Orazovna Kenesarina – Specialist Epidemiologist, Integrated Ecosystem Research Department of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “Detection of Chromosomal Disorders in a Human Blood Lymphocytes Using Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Test (CBMN)” – applied.
IV. Winners of Certificates of merits and rewarding cash prizes:
The Best Design of the Paper
- Olesya Olegovna Marchenko – I Category Technician, Laboratory for Transfer Mechanism Experimental Study of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “Determination of 3Н Contribution into a Radiation Dose of the Personnel and Population through Air” – applied.
Originality of Paper
- Amir Yerlanovich Kairzhanov – Specialist of the Scientific and Technical Information Bureau of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “The Semipalatinsk Test Site Virtual Tour Development” – engineering.
The Best Speaker
- Vadim Sergeyevich Bochkov – Engineer, Intrachanel Tests Laboratory of the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK for “High Temperature Corrosion of Reactor IG-110 Graphite in Water Steams of Various Isotope Composition” – applied.
Active Participant
- Zarina Beisembayevna Serzhanova – II Category Engineer, Laboratory for Transfer Mechanism Experimental Study of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK for “Assessment of Tritium Redistribution Parameters in Natural Ecosystems near Radioactively Contaminated Areas of the Semipalatinsk Test Site” – applied.
In addition, recognition gifts were awarded.
From the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK
- Kuanish Kanatuly Samarkhanov is awarded for the paper with maximum content of novelty – “Study of Spectral-Luminescent properties of a Low Temperature Plasma of Noble Gases and Alkali Metals Vapor Excited by the Products of 6Li(n,α)3Н Nuclear Reaction” – fundamental;
- Berik Sakenovich Medetbekov is awarded for the best experimental work – “Estimation of Fission Product Yield from Fuel Rods of Experimental WCTC-LEU into Coolant of the IVG.1M Reactor” – applied;
- Svyatoslav Alexandrovich Zhurkin is awarded for the contribution towards improving reactor facilities of NNC – “CRR IGR Core Temperature Measurement Optimization System” – applied;
- Gayniya Kaiyrdykyzy Kaiyrdy is awarded for successful debut – “Autooscillation Regime of an End Probe Sweep for Beam-Plasma Discharge Diagnostics”;
- Nurbolat Aidynovich Suleimenov is awarded for the best innovation paper – “Irradiated Beryllium Treatment Using Direct-Flow Chlorination Unit” – engineering;
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Skipnikov is awarded for considerable contribution towards methodical basis (IRSE) – “Possibility to Apply the Pedestrian Gamma Spectrometry Method for Searching and Identification of Radiological Warfare Agent Tests Sites” – applied;
- Igor Olegovich Marchenko is awarded for contribution towards investigations of nuclear energy infrastructure (IGR) – “Long-Duration Hydrogeological Monitoring at the Kosshoky Site Being Studied for Deep Storage of Radioactive Waste” – applied;
From the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Branch RSE NNC RK
- Nurbek Asylbekovich Seinasinov is awarded for contribution towards international seismic safety enhancing (IGR) – “New Data for Monitoring Objectives Received from Archived Digital Seismograms” – applied;
- Olzhas Muratbekovich Zhanbolatov is awarded for considerable contribution towards NNC RK methodical basis improvement (IAE) – “Dotted Kinetics Simulation of the IGR Reactor Considering Time Distribution of Released Fission Energy” – engineering;
- Gani Mukhtarovich Yesilkanov is awarded for the high social importance of scientific research – “Geoecological Features of Underground Water of the Semipalatinsk Test Site” – applied;
- Ainur Soltanbekovna Mamyrbayeva is awarded for strengthening the environmental research line of IRSE Branch – “Application of a Bottom Sediment Dating Method for Radiological Status Estimation of Territories” – applied;
- Tatyana Sergeyevna Ponomaryova is awarded for successful debut – “Accumulation of radionuclides by Lactuca Sativa crop on soils with different type of radioactive contamination under model experiment conditions” – applied;
- Vladimir Sergeyevich Kim is awarded for originality of research – “Peculiarities of Artificial Radionuclides Accumulation by Plants under Depth Contamination Conditions of a Root Layer” – applied;
- Almira Kurmanovna Aidarkhanova, Medet Ryskaliyevich Aktayev and Laura Bolatkyzyevna Kenzhyna were awarded for a high level of professionalism in the training of young professionals (in scientific leaders nomination):
From the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists
Yerzhan Aiytbayevich Kashikbayev is awarded for the contribution towards fusion facilities development – “Experimental Results of Plasma Electronic Density Measurement on the KTM Tokamak” – engineering.
V. Every participant of the ХVIII R&D Competition Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK was awarded a Competition Conference Participant Certificate.
VI. It was recommended that submitted papers should be published in NNC Bulletin after reviewing the competition papers by the editorial board, and drafting articles in accordance with the journal requirements.