XXIV research and development contest conference among young scientists and specialists RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Kurchatov, Abai Region, Republic of Kazakhstan, 21 - 23 May 2025


Republican State Enterprise ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Republican State Enterprise ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


‘NNC RK Bulletin’ and ‘Man. Energy. Atom’


May 20, Tuesday – arrival day.

May 21, Wednesday – registration, opening, presentations of papers by contestants

May 22, Thursday – presentation of papers by contestants

May 23, Friday – contest completion, technical tours  

May 24, Saturday – departure day


April 5 –deadline for submitting applications to participate in the contests

April 22 (until 6 pm) – deadline for submitting contest papers

April 30 – decision on the contest admittance and drawing of lots

May 6 – issue of the second information announcement


Research and Development contest conference among young scientists and specialists of RSE NNC RK is held in the conference hall of RSE NNC RK (2B Beibyt atom st, floor 1).


The working languages of the conference are Kazakh and Russian.



Alua Myrzagazinovna Kabdyrakova – scientific secretary of RSE NNC RK


Budanova Gulmira Omarbekovna – specialist of the Department for State-Funded Program and Staff Training, RSE NNC RK

Organizing committee members:

Mariya Toleukhanovna Abisheva

− head of the Information Support Department, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK;

Yelena Sergeyevna Kotlyar

− head of the Scientific and Analytical Information and International Cooperation Department, branch IAE RSE NNC RK;

Tatyana Nickolayevna Yuryeva

− specialist for scientific program support of the scientific secretary group, branch IGR RSE NNC RK;

Timur Kadyrzhanovich Zholdybayev

- cand.sc in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of Nuclear Physics Department at RSE INP ME RK;

Aidana Aitugankyzy Abdikalyk    

− Manager of Department of Science, Rare Metals and Rare Earth Metals at NAC ‘Kazatomprom’ JSC;

Gainiya Kairdykyzy Zhanbolatova

− PhD, a member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, a senior scientific officer of the Center for Technological Competencies in Hydrogen Power, branch IAE RSE NNC RK.



Vladimir Anatolyevich Vityuk, Ph.D. Deputy Director General for Science, RSE NNC RK

Deputy chairperson:

Mazhyn Kanapinovich Skakov – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, a chief scientific officer of RSE NNC RK

Secretary of jury:

Sergey Alexandrovich Baranov, candidate of biological sciences, a chief specialist of the Department for State-Funded Program and Staff Training, RSE NNC RK

Jury members:

Subbotin Sergey Borisovich

- candidate in Geology and Mineralogy, PhD, associate professor, a senior scientific officer of the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Research Department, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK;

Laura Bolatkazyevna Kenzhina

-  candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Biodosimetric Research Laboratory of Radioecological and Biodosimetric Research at IRSE RSE NNC RK;

Yerzhan Yernatuly Sapatayev

-  Ph.D., a head of the Radiation Material Science Laboratory, branch IAE RSE NNC RK;



Armanbek Kasymuly Omirgali

- PhD, Department of Science, Rare Metals and Rare Earth Metals at ‘NAK Kazatomprom’ JSC

Ulan Amanovich Igibayev

-  Scientific Secretary at IGR RSE NNC RK;

Abylai Nursarsenovich Uzbekov

- Ph.D., a senior scientific officer of the Special Seismic Information Collection and Processing Center, branch IGR RSE NNC RK;

Timur Kadyrzhanovich Zholdybayev

-  Candidate in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of Nuclear Physics Department at RSE INP ME RK;

Nurzhan Yerolovich Mukhamedov




Pavel Yevgeniyevich Krivitskiy

-  PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Reactor Facilities Development and Testing Department at IAE RSE NNC RK;


- member of SYSS, Head of Radiation Research Laboratory at IRSE RSE NNC RK.


                   Applications and contest papers should be sent to organizing committee members:

Gulmira Omarbekovna Budanova (RSE NNC RK), tel.: +7 (722-51) 2-33-33(ext. 430);
e-mail: budanova@nnc.kz

Maria Toleukhanovna Abisheva (branch IRSE) tel. +7 (722-51) 3-30-12 (ext. 241); e‑mail: abisheva@nnc.kz

Yelena Sergeyevna Kotlyar (branch IAE), tel.: +7 (722-51) 2-35-49 (ext. 44-57);
e-mail: kotlyar_e@nnc.kz

Tatyana Nickolayevna Yuryeva (branch IGR), tel.: +7 (722-51) 3-47-77 (ext. 137);
e-mail: yuryeva@igr.kz

Timur Kadyrzhanovich Zholdybayev (RSE INP ME RK) tel. +7 (727)3 86-52-61 (ext.210);
e-mail: zhodybayev@inp.kz

Aidana Aitugankyzy Abdikalyk  (JSC NAK “Kazatomprom” tel. 8 701 960 00 97;e-mail;  e-mail: aomirgali@kazatomprom.kz

From ‘Provisions on the Annual Research and Development Contest Conference Among Young Scientists and Specialists, RSE NNC RK’

Original research and development works (published over the past 2 years in the form of scientific articles, reports at conferences and reports) representing independent studies of a specialist or a group of specialists (not more than 4 authors) are allowed to the contest.

The papers for the contest are nominated by the decision of  STC and academic councils of institutes.

Contest participants at least 1 month before the conference-competition submit their work to the secretary of the jury, designed in accordance with GOST 7.32-2017.

The contest papers are submitted in two formats – electronic and paper, along with a copy of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) extract. The texts of the articles for the reports are sent to the secretary of the organizing committee through its members.

Young scientists and specialists from other scientific and educational institutions are welcome to participate off-contest.


RSE ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan’

180010, Abai region, Kurchatov, 2 B Beibyt atom street, room 313

Kabdyrakova M.A.    kabdyrakova@nnc.kz;        tel: 8(72251) 3 3333 ext.432 

Budanova G.O.           budanova@nnc.kz;            tel: 8(72251) 3 3333 ext.430


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