Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) – is an International Research Organization established on the basis of Agreement signed by eleven founder countries on March 26, 1956 and registered by UN on February 1, 1957. It is situated in Dubna, near Moscow, in the Russian Federation.
The Institute is established for the purpose to join efforts, scientific and material potential of Member-States for material fundamental properties study. 18 JINR Member-States are as follows: the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Social Republic of Vietnam, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Korean People’s Democratic Republic, the Republic of Cuba, the Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, the Republic of Poland, the Russian Federation, Rumania, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Czech Republic. Agreement on Institute collaboration with Hungary, Germany, Egypt, Italia, Serbia and the Republic of South Africa were concluded at Ministerial Level.
JINR activity in Russia is realized in accordance with Federal Law on Ratification of Agreement between the Russian Federation Government and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in the Russian Federation. Pursuant to the Articles the Institute performs activities based on open principles for participation of all interested governments, and their equal mutually beneficial cooperation.
The main directions of theoretical and experimental studies in JINR: elementary particle physics, nuclear physics and condensed-matter physics. JINR science policy is developed by Academic Council, comprised of leading scientists from Member-States, as well as famous physicians from Hungary, Germany, Greece, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (EONR), India, Italy, China, USA, France and Switzerland.
JINR includes seven laboratories; each of them is comparable with a big institute upon study scale. Staff is about 5500 people, among whom more than 1000 – are research engineers, about 2000 – technical staff.
The Institute has at its disposal set of experimental physical facilities: Nuclotron – the unique in Europe and Asia Nuclei and Heavy Ions Superconductive Accelerator, Heavy Ions Cyclotron U-400 and U-400M with record parameters of beams for experiments on heavy and exotic nuclei fusion, unique Impulse Reactor IBR-2, designed for study on neutron nuclear physics and condensed-matter physics, as well as Proton Accelerator – Phasotron, designed for radiation treatment. JINR possesses comprehensive high performance computational means, integrated in World Computer Network by high-speed communication channels. “Dubna-Moscow” communication channel with initial capacity of 20 Gbps was added in 2009.
In the end of 2008 new basic installation IREN-I was started, designed for research in nuclear physics filed with application of time-of-flight methodic within neutrons energy range up to hundreds of keV.
Works under Nuclotron-M Project are being performed successfully, which is to be the basis for new Superconductive Collider NICA, as well as works on creation of heavy ions Complex DRIBs-II. Actual task is being solved by Institute personnel – that is increasement of World Scientific Community attention to JINR research facilities, primarily for scientific young population from Member-States.
Substantial aspect of JINR activity is large-scale international scientific and technological cooperation: the Institute maintains communication almost with 700 Scientific Centers and Universities in 60 countries. Only in Russia JINR collaborates with 150 Research Centers, Universities, industrial enterprises and companies from 50 Russian cities.
Joint Institute actively cooperates with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (EONR) concerning theoretical and experimental tasks solution within high-energy physics field. Considerable contribution of JINR to Century Project “Big Hadron Collider (LHC)” obtained high estimate of scientific community. JINR liabilities on development and creation of separate detectors systems ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHC machine were executed successfully and just in time. Physicists from JINR are involved in preparation for wide range of fundamental research performance in sphere of elementary-particles physics on LHC. Central Information-Computer Complex of the Institute is actively used for tasks solving in LNC experiments and other scientific projects, requiring large-scale calculations.
For more than fifty years wide range of investigations were conducted in JINR and scientific personnel of high qualification were trained for Member States. Among them Presidents of National Academy of Sciences, Directors of large Nuclear Institutes and Universities of JINR Member-Countries. Necessary conditions are created for talented young specialist’s education. Branch of Moscow State University has been working more than 30 years in Dubna, also JINR Training Scientific Center is established, as well as Chair of theoretical and nuclear physics in International University of Environment, Society and Human “Dubna”.
More than 1500 scientific articles and reports presented by about 3000 authors are annually submitted by the Institute to editorial bodies of different magazines and organizing committee of conferences. JINR publications are sent to more than 50 countries all over the World.
JINR covers half of discoveries (about 40) in sphere of nuclear physics, registered in the former USSR. As a sign of recognition for Institute scientists outstanding contribution to modern physics and chemistry International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry named the 105-th element from Mendeleev’s periodic law as Dubniy.
In view of the latest achievements of the Institute special attention should be paid to super-heavy elements researches. Scientists of Dubna have synthesized new long-lived super-heavy elements with 113, 114, 115, 116 and 118 numbers. Such new discoveries have climaxed 35 – year efforts of scientists from different countries in searching “Stability Island” for super-heavy nuclei.
More than 15 years JINR have been participating in Programs implementation for Dubna innovation belt creation. In 2005 RF Government signed Resolution on Special Economical Zone Development of Technical and Promotional Type at the Territory of Dubna. SEZ direction reflects in nuclear-physical and informational technologies.
Joint Institute of Nuclear Researches is a great multidisciplinary international scientific center where fundamental nuclear-physical researches, development and application of high technologies, as well as University education in relevant spheres of knowledges are integrated.
Collaboration of physicists from Kazakhstan and Joint Institute continues several decades. Since the moment of JINR establishment in 1956 Kazakhstani physicists joined to work in different laboratories of the Institute and contributed significantly to implementation of JINR scientific programs. Currently, specialists from Kazakhstan participate in JINR major projects. During RK scientists’ collaboration with JINR over 200 joint works have been published, among which 95 articles in foreign publications and over 100 reports at the International Conferences. Many scientific specialists from Kazakhstan maintained Ph.D. and doctoral theses based on materials, obtained from collaboration with JINR scientists.
The most active partners of Dubna are as follows: National University of KazNU in the name of Al-Farabi, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, and a number of Kazakh Scientific-Research Institutes (INR NNC RK, PTI MON RK and etc.). In the short run for Multi-Disciplinary Scientific Complex (MSC) INP NNC RK Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov an Accelerator Complex on the basis of DC-60 Cyclotron in Astana was designed, produced and commissioned in JINR.
DC-60 Cyclotron of heavy ions, enabling to obtain accelerated ion beams of wide energy range, became a basis for experimental complex on nuclear physics, radiation technologies and highly qualified specialists-physicists training. Joint operations of INP NNC RK and JINR on accelerator complex MSC during short period of time will enable to create its own Kazakhstani training schools on number of the most leading directions in Physics, Chemistry and high technologies.
In 2007 Memorandum was signed between ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, NNC RK and JINR on establishment of International Innovation Educational Consortium based on MSC. International Chair “Nuclear Physics, New Materials and Technologies” for highly qualified specialists training is established to fulfill Consortium tasks.
27 March 2025
20 March 2025
07 March 2025