The competition for 2020-2022 scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects grant financing, with a 12-month implementation period (by the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of April 30, 2020, No 62-nzh)

Project Title

Scientific Supervisor

Project info

АР08956577 “Assessment of the Irtysh river ecological condition”

Assan Oralkhanovich Aidarkhanov, 1979 d.b., Cand. of Biological Sciences, specialty – “Radiobiology”, PhD on specialty 6D060800 – “Ecology” Author ID in Scopus 55783316600 Researcher ID Web of Science ABF-3872-2021 ORCID ID 0000-0003-3047-586X Researcher ID in Publons ABF-3872-2021


AP08956713 “Study of radiation and hygienic hazard from technogenic tritium at its accumulation in plant products for population dose load assessing”

Natalya Vladimirovna Larionova, 1981 d.b., Cand. of Biological Sciences, specialty – “Radiobiology”, PhD on specialty 6D060800 – “Ecology” Author ID in Scopus 55236881800 Researcher ID Web ofScience AAQ-7903-2020 ORCID ID 0000-0002-4690-4414 Researcher ID in Publons AAQ-7903-2020


AP08856481 “Assessment of radiation state of the plant cover from agricultural designation point of view”

Natalya Vladimirovna Larionova, 1981 d.b., Cand. of Biological Sciences, specialty – “Radiobiology”, PhD on specialty 6D060800 – “Ecology” Author ID in Scopus 55236881800 Researcher ID Web ofScience AAQ-7903-2020 ORCID ID 0000-0002-4690-4414 Researcher ID in Publons AAQ-7903-2020
