01 November 2016
Zhabaga Suleimenovich Takibayev, former scientific coordinator of the RK National Center, Academician of RK NAS, Academician of International Academies, Honoured Scientist and Engineer of RK, Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics passed away in 98th year of life, on October 31, 2016.
He was born on September 28, 1919 in Semipalatinsk. His family suffered from political repressions that left him parentless in childhood, thus, he was brought up in Semey orphanage.
Zh.S. Takibayev began his activity in 1942 after he had graduated from Central Asian State University, later he completed post-graduate studies in Lebedev Institute of Physics of USSR AS. In year 1957 he was appointed a director of just established Institute of Nuclear Physics. Later he consequently occupied positions of Academician secretary in Division of Physics and Mathematics at KazSSR AS, Vice-president of KazSSR AS, Director of newly established Institute of high-energy physics of KazSSR AS, Head of laboratory in the Institute, Head of Department in Kazakhstan State University, RK NAS General Committee Advisor. At the same time he was busy in social work: delegate at KazSSR Supreme Soviet, member of the Soviet Presidium, Chairman of Problem Council for nuclear physics and particle physics, member of scientific council in a number of institutes of Almaty and Moscow, chairman of Dissertation Committees. For the advanced achievements in work and social activity, Zh.S.Takibayev was awarded an Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Parasat, medals, Certificates of Honour.
In 1993 was appointed a scientific leader to National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where he brought his knowledge and experience into its establishment and arrangement.
Working in a position of NNC RK leader, Zh.S.Takibayev carried out responsibilities of co-leader in international programs related to elimination of nuclear weapon testing consequences, radiation ecology, rehabilitation of lands at the former Semipalatinsk test site. Taking part at various forums and conferences, in press and television, Zh.S. Takibayev presented scientific reports concerning development of nuclear technologies, conversion of nuclear weapon test infrastructure in Kazakhstan.
Zh.S. Takibayev made a great contribution into establishment and development of physics in Kazakhstan. Name of Zh.S. Takibayev associates with creation and development of such high-priority areas as high-energy physics, particle and cosmic-ray physics, classical electrodynamics, nuclear physics, applied issues of nuclear physics, unconventional energy, solid state and semiconductors physics, automation of physical research, nuclear energy safety, radiation ecology and many others.
Staff of the National Nuclear Center of RK extend heartfelt condolences to family and relatives due to the grievous loss – death of Zhabagy Suleimenovich Takibayev.
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