19 September 2018
In the near future, the territory of the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site could be significantly reduced. Kazakh scientists concluded that more than half of its lands does not pose a hazard and can be returned to the economic turnover.
The existing boundaries of the test site are clearly redundant and unreasonable in the context of radiation safety. This has been confirmed by the comprehensive studies carried out on his territory since 2008. Their results were announced at the International Conference in Kurchatov “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects of Scientific and Technical Potential Development”.
Today, specialists have surveyed 56 % of the test site territory, or 10.410 square kilometers, that is comparable to Lebanese territory. At the designated area, the radiation situation was predicted to change both in the near future and up to 300 years. In parallel, the work was started on remediation of the most contaminated areas of “Experimental Field” and “Degelen” sites.
The range of studies shows that almost 10.000 square kilometers can be used for economic activities without any restrictions. Another 458.2 square kilometers are suitable for industrial use. The reserve lands should remain contaminated with 88.6 square kilometers of land. The findings of Russian scientists are confirmed by the conclusions of their Russian colleagues and experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
At the same time, bringing the boundaries of the test site into line with the radiation status of the territories does not imply only the return of the latter to economic use. For example, a contaminated site outside the test site in the Chagan river bed should, on the other hand, be withdrawn from the turnover in agriculture and given the status of reserve land.
As noted at the National Nuclear Centre, the site is rich in minerals, but its exploration and exploitation is constrained by both its legal status and its well-established negative image. The aim is to adapt the administrative boundaries of the test site to the radioecological situation by 2021 and to completely eliminate the most hazardous sites.
Author: Il’ya MILLER | Semey
Internet-version of the Republican newspaper
"Express К"
reference: https://express-k.kz/news/ekspertiza/territoriya_byvshego_semipalatinskogo_yadernogo_poligona_mozhet_znachitelno_sokratitsya-128964?sphrase_id=3047319#
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