16 October 2018
Within the period from October 2-5, 2018 the V International Scientific and Technical Conference on “Innovative Designs and Technologies of Nuclear Power” was held in the National Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering named after N.A. Dollezhal (JSC NIKIET), in Moscow under support of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, International Atomic Energy Agency, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Nuclear Society of Russia. The conference theme was divided into six sections: innovative designs of nuclear facilities for different purposes; nuclear fuel and new materials; technologies of closed fuel cycle, spent fuel and radioactive wastes management, technological solution of nuclear material nonproliferation issues; small-scale power engineering (stationary, transportable, floatable, transport, space facilities); integrated accounting codes of new generation meant for NPF and fuel cycle safety analysis; controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Specialists in nuclear power area from 17 countries participated in the conference such as Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Jordanian, Italy, Canada, China, Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic, South Korea and Japan. Members of IAEA also were among the foreign participants.
Members of the Institute of Atomic Energy took part in the work of the conference on behalf of the National Nuclear Center: I.L. Tazhibayeva, Yu.V. Ponkratov, Yu.N. Gordienko, R.A. Irkimbekov, A.S. Surayev and presented several papers at plenary and breakout sessions.
For reference. In 2017 during International Workshop, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of RK National Nuclear Center establishment by Decree of the State Leader, the Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between RSE NNC RK and JSC NIKIET was signed.
Pursuant to the Agreement the parties agreed to cooperate upon the following: experimental data reception on fuel elements behavior with MNUP-fuel (mixed nitride uranium-plutonium fuel) in fast processes conditions with capacity increase, determination of radial average MNUP-fuel enthalpy of fuel element RU BREST-OD - 300, data reception for accounting codes verification, describing fuel elements behavior in reactivity rapid increase.
Under the Agreement the following operations were provided: terms of reference preparation, work program and tests; development of irradiation devices design and fuel element mock-ups; irradiation units transportation; reactor experiments conduction at IGR reactor on fuel element mock-ups of BREST-OD-300 reactor with fresh fuel in capacity rapid growth modes; reactor experiments conduction for determination of limit radial average enthalpy of BREST-OD-300 reactor fuel; non-destructive post-irradiation research practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan; reactor experiments conduction at IGR reactor using BREST-OD-300 reactor fuel mock-ups with irradiated fuel upon reaching the design burnup values.
Participation in conferences, publishing activity and personnel training are included in one of the Agreement orientation activity.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025