21 April 2020
Dear colleagues!
In response to the Order #49 of Akim (major) of East-Kazakhstan Region dated April 16, 2020 concerning “Measures to prevent spread of corona-virus (COVID-19) at the territory of East-Kazakhstan Region”, and Order #3 of deputy chief public health doctor of East-Kazakhstan Region “Quarantine at the territory of East-Kazakhstan Region” dated April 16, 2020, since the time 00:00 of April 18, 2020 up to termination of emergency situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, quarantine regimen is introduced in Kurchatov town.
The regimen and restrictive measures may be changed depending upon the situation with spread of corona-virus COVID-19.
Under restrictive measures, check-point is put out at the entrance to Kurchatov town, movement of public is restricted, as well as vehicle movement, activity of some entrepreneurial objects is stopped.
With the situation, administration of the National Nuclear Center of RK have taken maximal possible measures to keep quarantine regimen. Today our task is to provide balance between reducing risks for our employee’s health and proper operating of the enterprise, fulfilling scheduled work and obligations to state and our partners. Meanwhile, health of individuals, who stay at working place, is top priority of our organization. We keep doing everything possible to keep employees’ health.
Under condition of enhanced preventive measures, we smoothly continue operations at research reactors IVG.1M and IGR, continue operation of industrial waste landfill, develop new maps, group of our specialists started field operations at Experimental Field site.
We do everything we can to keep operation of the National Nuclear Center. In return, please understand the introduced restrictive measures with patience; the measures are aimed first to keep your lives and health.
Please, strictly follow the set instructions, avoid any risks related to unnecessary personal contacts, keep mask regimen and personal hygiene rules. Use only reliable information. Do not forget to take care of your family, paying special attention to older generation.
There is no doubt, only together, being one team, observing all requirements, we will overcome the challenge.
Take care of you and your family!
More detailed information about additional measures can be found at official web-page of akim of Kurchatov town https://www.facebook.com/akimatkurchtov/posts/943762432718705.
Erlan Batyrbekov
16 January 2025
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