28 September 2020

Dear Colleagues!

I congratulate you on the Nuclear Industry Employee Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

This year we celebrate the holiday with great achievements and we are justly proud of them.

We have attained considerable success in research and development for nuclear power safety, commenced implementation of 7-year contract with France Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) under SAIGA project, completed researches with Russian colleagues from Dollezhal R&D Institute for Power Engineering under BREST-OD-300 project.

We are successfully implementing large-scale project to convert IVG.1M and IGR research reactors to low enriched fuel.

We have completed operations at KTM tokamak to support technology of controlled thermonuclear fusion.

This year we approached the completion of comprehensive environmental survey of the former Semipalatinsk test site, and finished extensive non-proliferation-related work at Experimental Field site.

All scheduled building and installation, and repair works were entirely executed, including construction of fueling station and storage by our own forces.

Dear colleagues!

I thank you for the excellent work, dedication and competence!

I would like to wish you further success, good health and well-being for your families!

                                                                                                      Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General

