05 February 2021
In order to further promote the young people’s scientific activity in 2017 the RSE NNC RK Director General’s fellowship has been established.
In 2021 the fellowship is awarded to 15 young scientists and specialists of the enterprise. The full list of our fellows with topics of their works is presented below:
1. Vladimir Valeryevich Kolbin – “Development and introduction of the method to determine the mass content of elements and oxides in silicate samples by X-ray fluorescent analysis in IRSE NNC RK”.
2. Dina Biyakhmetovna Biyakhmetova – “Mastering the method of electron paramagnetic resonance in the field of high doses to develop biological dosimetry in NNC RK”.
3. Yuriy Yevgen’evich Artamotonov – “Determination of seasonal alterations in concentration of radon isotopes at the territory of Kurchatov town”.
4. Elena Sergeevna Sysoyeva – “Study of radionuclides distribution peculiarities in top humus”.
5. Ilya Petrovich Dorozhkin – “Software development to estimate the radionuclides concentration upon results of gamma-spectrometric survey at the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site (“Experimental Field” site is taken as an example)”.
6. Gani Mukhtarovich Yesil’kanov – “Recommendations development regarding a comprehensive approach to statistic processing of ecologically-geochemical data on the example of underground waters within conditionally “background” territories of STS”.
7. Kuanysh Kanatuly Samarkhanov – “Complex spectrometric study of nuclear-excited spray-type plasma”.
8. Olzhas Muratbekovich Zhanbolatov – “Research reactor fuel burnup calculation”.
9. Sagyngali Andasbekuly Zhunisbek – “Plasma electron temperature determination based on spectrometric measurements for KTM tokamak”.
10. Vadim Sergeevich Bochkov – “Study of thermophysical properties of plasma facing prospective material of thermonuclear reactors based on tin-lithium alloy”.
11. Eldos Zhannuruly Akbolatov – “Welding practice for heterogeneous AISI316 and 12Х18Н10Т steels”.
12. Ganiya Kaiyrdykyzy Zhanbolatova – “Recrystallization annealing effect on carbidized layer on tungsten surface”.
13. Stanislav Alekseevich Il’inykh – “Software development to provide the management information system at EAGLE experimental bench. Subsystems of monitoring instruments and automatic equipment”.
14. Kuanyshbek Orazbekovich Toleubekov – “Design substantiation of method to model the residual energy release in “LAVA-B” corium”.
15. Mikhail Viktorovich Shul’ga – “Study of possibilities to apply methods of electrical survey during monitoring of geological engineering conditions and weak geodynamic processes in regions of nuclear power objects location”.
We congratulate our fellows and wish them further professional success!
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025