Fresh Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Delivered to the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan

01 March 2021

On February 27, 2021, an important milestone of IVG.1M research reactor conversion program was completed – fresh low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel was delivered to the National Nuclear Center of RK from FGUP SPO “Luch” (Russian Federation) to the reactor site.

During the earlier stages of the program, specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK together with Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory (USA) and FGUP SPO “Luch” (Russia), have performed a series of computation-analytical and experimental work to validate LEU fuel performance for IVG.1M reactor. The results of experimental operation in the reactor core and out-of-pile material studies for two pilot fuel assemblies approved their safety conformance, performance and suitability for conversion purposes.

The delivered fuel is to be loaded to the reactor during the current year and following the further stages of physical and power start-ups, since 2023 the IVG.1M reactor shall be operated with the new core. The measures assure many years of carrying out experimental researches either under state programs or international contracts.


ИВГ 1.M США Конверсия РГП НЯЦ РК низкообогащенное (НОУ) топливо ФГУП НПО «Луч»