11 June 2021
The summer school "Young Physicist - 2021", which has already become annual and started on June 7, ended with the solemn presentation of certificates and the awarding of winners. This year more than 50 students of schools of Kurchatov town and nearby settlements of Pavlodar region took part in it. The organizers were National Nuclear Center of RK and Park of Nuclear Technologies.
The program of the summer school in 2021 included a large block of lectures and practical classes in the field of atomic energy, controlled thermonuclear fusion, radioecology, and geophysics.
Moreover, the tours were organized to the museum of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, to the Kazakhstani Material Science complex Tokamak KTM, the Meridian-2 site (Institute of Geophysical Research).
The children visited the laboratories of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, where they took part in practical exercises on conducting radionuclide analysis by spectrometry, determining radionuclides in the human body, etc. The children visited the laboratories of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology where they took part in practical exercises on conducting of radionuclide analysis by spectrometry, determining of radionuclides in human body, etc.
Following the results, all participants were awarded certificates on the successful completion of their education in the summer physics and mathematics school “Young Physicist-2021”.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025