23 August 2021
Minister of Energy of RK, Nurlan Nogayev and Mayor of EKO, Danial Akhmetov introduced with the activity of the National Nuclear Center of RK, located in Kurchatov and based at the Semipalatinsk Test Site.
The members of delegation visited research reactors complex “Baikal-1”, IGR research reactor complex, as well as Kazakh Material-Science Complex Tokamak KTM etc.
According to Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of the National Nuclear Center, significant progress has been made to date in the implementation of a large-scale project to convert the IVG1.M reactor located at the Baikal-1 complex. The project consists of reducing the reactor's fuel enrichment to below 20% in accordance with the IAEA's requirements. In addition, the spent highly enriched fuel from this reactor will have to be reprocessed. If the planned conversion work is successful, the physical and power start-up phases of the reactor will start in 2022, followed by commissioning.
The experiments simulating severe accidents with the possibility of recurring criticality are currently being carried out at the IGR research reactor complex. Over a period of more than 30 years of experimental research, unique information has been accumulated, which is essential to improve the safety of new advanced reactors.
Creation of the Kazakhstani tokamak KTM was initiated by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev as a result of discussions on development of science and technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Velikhov.
After the commissioning of the complex, the Republic of Kazakhstan entered the top 10 countries with advanced research facilities for the promotion of controlled thermonuclear fusion technology, and the Kazakhstani Material Science Tokamak KTM became part of the international program on creation and development of scientific and technical bases of thermonuclear energy.
- We must make the best possible use of the National Nuclear Centre's scientific potential in the use of the peaceful atom," said Minister of Energy, Nurlan Nogayev - 30 years ago Semipalatinsk test site was closed by Elbasy strong decision and since then Kazakhstan has achieved great success in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
The Mayor of East Kazakhstan noted the need to create comfortable living environment and leisure conditions for NNC RK staff in Kurchatov.
- We recognize the importance of the National Nuclear Center for the country, the huge contribution of its staff to science and the future positive economic effect of the Nuclear Center," said Daniyal Akhmetov, Mayor of East Kazakhstan. - That is why representatives of the local executive bodies are currently working on the construction of a Modern Sport Exercise and Health Centre as well as other social and cultural facilities, that will have a positive impact not only for the NNC employees but also for all residents of Kurchatov.
By the 30th anniversary of the Semipalatinsk test site closure, it is planned to adopt the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about “Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone” to ensure nuclear and radiation safety at the contaminated lands of the test site. Currently, NNC specialists have completed a comprehensive radioecological survey of the test site territory. This provides a large amount of information, the understanding of the STS problems and the prospects of using its territory for the needs of state.
The construction of the test site began in 1947, and the first nuclear testing in the Soviet Union was conducted at the test site on August 29, 1949.
The last testing was carried out on October 19, 1989.
On August 29, 1991, Semipalatinsk Test Site was closed by the Decree of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2021, Kazakhstan will mark 30th anniversary since the closing of Semipalatinsk test site.
References: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/energo/press/news/details/245406?lang=ru
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