Plasma Discharge Duration at KTM Tokamak has been Increased Fourfold in 2021

30 November 2021


      Scientific and Technical Program “Scientific and Technical Support of Experimental Researches at Kazakhstani Material Testing Tokamak KTM” has been realizing in the National Nuclear Center of RK.

     A pilot campaign has been implemented this year, as a result of which the duration of plasma discharge at Tokamak KTM is increased fourfold (above 200 ms with plasma current ~ 150 kA) comparing with the last year. 

     This is a very important achievement, which marked the next stage in large-scale and complex work to bring the KTM Tokamak to design parameters (plasma current – 750 kA, discharge time – 5 seconds), planned to be achieved after 2023.


Токамак РГП НЯЦ РК плазма экспериментальная программа КТМ Научно-техническая программа