24 May 2022
30 Projects to the 30th Anniversary of NNC RK
The policy of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan is maximal use of lands of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site for needs of the state. Such a major project is the construction of “Kazzinc” LLP industrial wastes polygon at the territory of STS.
The location for polygon construction was “Balapan” site that is in 110 km from Kurchatov. In the course of engineering-geological surveys at the test site, negative engineering-geological processes and phenomena (water logging, karst, faults and blow-up deformations at the surface) that might complicate conditions of construction. According to climatic zoning, the study area is arid, which means that in the thickness of the stored waste will not form the liquid phase of leachate. The presence of a significant capacity (more than 20 m) in the base of the polygon of dense waterproof clays also testified in favor of the fact that the studied site is suitable as a polygon for arsenic-bearing waste. For industrial construction, the site belongs to the first category (simple conditions).
Radionuclide analysis of the samples taken of the natural environment showed that average content of natural radionuclides in soils of the territory under study is typical for soils in Kazakhstan, any geochemical anomalies is not detected.
Average values of specific activity of radionuclides of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils at this territory are at the level of global fallouts background. Average value of 239+240Pu radionuclides concentration in soils insignificantly exceeds global fallouts background that is not hazard for natural environment and human.
The content of radionuclides in vegetation cover, surface and underground waters, in atmosphere air of the territory under study do not pose a hazard to the population both at the current moment and for unlimited period of time in the future.
As the result of the assessment of dose loads on the population and personnel during any economic activity in the area, the expected annual effective dose per person will not exceed 0.3 mSv that is below the level of intervention in accordance with the RK regulations.
In this regard, according to the results of a comprehensive assessment, taking into account the existing requirements of the regulatory framework of Kazakhstan, the entire surveyed area can be used without restrictions for industrial needs.
According to the results of a comprehensive assessment, it was concluded that the site selected for Kazzinc LLP is the most suitable for the construction of such facilities. The polygon area was 50 hectares.
The construction of industrial wastes polygon was commenced in July, 2014 and completed in December, 2014. As part of the first stage, two maps in a size of 50×205 meters were compiled. The capacity of one map is 44 thousand tons. Totally 14 maps are planned to be compiled for the period of 25 years of operation. The maps are equipped with multi-layer impervious screen capable to prevent completely the penetration of toxic substances to the ground and underground waters. The structure of impervious screen consists from the layer of clay, geo-membrane, sand and ballast-stone. To collect aerial and melt water from the concrete areas of the map zones, there are drainage holes in the sides of the maps and evaporation pond. Concrete areas have structural layers of sand, polyethylene film, ballast-stone and concrete.
To provide transport line, access road in length of 3 km was renovated and new area in length of about 1.5 km is constructed. In addition, a new railroad branch line was constructed from the dead end of “Ugolnaya” station to the polygon in 13.5 km long. In 2015, NNC specialists laid a 15.3 km PTL (power transmission line).
The construction at the second phase started in November 2019 was completed in November 2020. At the second phase, the maps were already designed with separating plates to increase the life of the maps from 2 to 4 years each.
Since the construction of industrial wastes polygon, all the work on the operation and maintenance of its functioning is carried out by the "Baikal" branch of RSE NNC RK.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025