02 June 2022
30 Projects to the 30th Anniversary of NNC RK!
As a result of an integrated environmental survey of STS conducted by NNC RK, significant areas of radioactive contamination, the main pathways and mechanisms of current and potential spread of radioactive substances were identified. The survey enabled us to gain an understanding that radioactive contamination is of a local nature and not concentrated throughout the entire STS territory.
However, currently the issues of concern are identified. STS lands are reserve lands that are under control of local executive bodies, making it difficult to monitor the actions of third parties and events occurring at these territories.
Besides, test site lands are located at the administrative borders of three regions that also complicates solution of issues to ensure the safety of its territory. The lack of continuous monitoring of radioactive contamination level causes the absence of the latest data. The population has free access to the contaminated areas of the test site that causes to preconditions for health hazard and the possibility of using radioactive waste for malicious purposes. The operations on rehabilitation and remediation of extra-contaminated lands of test site are practically not carried out.
Due to the lack of separation between contaminated and clean lands, some of the potentially usable land at the test site is currently idle. For this purpose, it is proposed to create a special zone - Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone – at the radioactively contaminated lands and to consider the issue of transferring conditionally clean lands into economic turnover.
In this regard, two draft laws were developed about "Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone" and associated draft law "Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone".
To solve the current problems the draft laws propose to implement the following measures:
–Introduction of a new land subcategory - "nuclear safety zone land" for the purposes of effective management;
–Designation of a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Energy responsible for work at the territory of Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone;
–Defining the boundaries and area of territories with excessive radiation contamination and conditionally clean land based on the results of a comprehensive environmental survey and state environmental impact assessment;
–Changing the status of contaminated lands of the test site from "reserve land" to "nuclear safety zone land" and establishing Semipalatinsk Nuclear Safety Zone on the contaminated lands, transferring the lands, and determining its boundaries and area by government decree;
–Monitoring and control of radiation situation;
–Remediation of contaminated sites;
– Arrangement of measures to ensure nuclear safety in a specialized zone.
Thus, the issues addressed in the draft laws are relevant and the adoption of draft laws will have a positive impact in general on the economy of the country, the environment and the social situation in regions.
Currently, the draft laws have passed the first reading in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan and are expected to be adopted in the second half of 2022.
16 January 2025
30 December 2024
19 December 2024
13 December 2024