17 October 2022
XXI Conference-Competition on R&D of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On October 12-14, 2022 Kurchatov hosted the XXI Conference-Competition on R&D of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan with venue at the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2022 the Conference resumed its traditional full-time format after two years of being held online.
The conference-competition was participated by over thirty young specialists from the National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty). Representatives of the NAС “Kazatomprom” JSC participated the conference for the first time; students from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (Russian Federation) and specialists of Kazakhstan Regional Universities participated non-competitively.
Papers covered the wide range of scientific problems and directions. Thus, papers in area of nuclear power objects safety, radiation material testing, creation of new materials in nuclear and thermonuclear power, new methods development for radiation monitoring, geophysical monitoring, upgrading of mineral resources searching and mining methods were presented.
The winners were determined based on five scale system.
Relevance, practical value of work, level – scientific, engineering, novelty of results, degree of the work completeness, personal contribution of the competitor, style of presentation and the level of knowledge of the material were evaluated.
Additional criteria for assessment, considering specifics, were:
Of particular interest were competitive works associated with conversion of research reactor IVG.1M on LEU-fuel, EPR-dosimetry application for human tooth enamel, as well as study of thin film peculiarities.
Participants and jury members noted a high level of professionalism of NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC representatives, and their knowledge of various research methods.
Representatives of the Institute of Nuclear Physics demonstrated a high level of preparation and results obtained in area of fundamental study of radiation material testing.
Upon results of the conference-competition on R&D all the winners and participants were awarded with diplomas and gifts of money.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025