06 June 2023
Within the period from May 30 to June 01, 2023 in Kurchatov, XXII R&D Conference Competition for young scientists and specialists of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK) was attended by specialists from NNC RK, Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty), JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”, Shakarim State University of Semey.
The papers of participants covered wide range spectra of scientific problems and areas.
These included papers in the field of nuclear power facilities safety, radiation materials science, creation of new materials for nuclear and thermonuclear power, development of new methods for radiation monitoring, improvement of search methods and mining operations and others.
There was particular interest in competitive papers related to the development of new methods of biological cytogenetic dosimetry, fundamentally new methods of rare-earth elements separation from radioactive components in technological solutions, the development of a new method that allows to take into account the characteristics of the reactor in changing the thermal and neutron field of the core in preparation for the tests.
Determination of winners was carried out on a five-point system, taking into account the relevance, practical significance of the work, scientific and engineering level, novelty of results, degree of completion, personal contribution of the applicant, style of presentation and level of proficiency in the material.
Participants and jury members noted the high level of proficiency of young scientists and specialists, knowledge of various research methods.
Summarizing the results, all participants were given certificates, the winners – diplomas and monetary prizes.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025