24 October 2023
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi 2023 was awarded to a group of scientists from the Republican State Enterprise "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RSE NNC RK) led by the Director General, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Erlan Gadletovich Batyrbekov for the work "World class research and development work for development of nuclear power industry and implementation of the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The following leading scientists of RSE NNC RK, who have a tremendous experience of scientific work, were included in the author's team:
Viktor Vladimirovich Baklanov, first deputy director of the Branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” RSE NNC RK,
Vladimir Anatolyevich Vityuk, deputy of director general for science of RSE NNC RK,
Denis Borisovich Zarva, deputy chief engineer of RSE NNC RK,
Erbolat Taitoleuovich Koyanbayev, deputy director for material science testing of Branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” RSE NNC RK,
Mazhyn Kanapinovich Skakov, chief researcher of RSE NNC RK,
Irina Lashkarovna Tazhibayeva, chief researcher of Branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” of RSE NNC RK,
Baurzhan Zhambulovich Chektybayev, head of Division for Thermonuclear Research of Branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” of RSE NNC RK.
The paper presents the outcomes of research and development aimed to develop and improve the safety of nuclear power, as well as to develop controlled thermonuclear fusion technologies, which provided advanced positions of Kazakhstani science in these high-tech areas, and promoted to the development of nuclear energy industry of the country.
Experimental studies at both in-pile and out-of-pile facilities were carried out, and unique data were obtained on the parameters of processes accompanying the development of a severe core melt accident at a nuclear power reactor. The experimental base was modernized and new methodological approaches were developed which enable to perform research at a high quality level.
The research nuclear reactor IVG.1M was modernized and converted from highly enriched uranium fuel to low-enriched fuel, and its performance characteristics were significantly improved. A material testing complex was created, which by a number of characteristics exceeds the capabilities of foreign nuclear organizations working with irradiated nuclear materials. Research was carried out on reactor construction materials, and new technologies for surface hardening of materials were developed.
The complex of Kazakhstan thermonuclear material testing tokamak KTM which has no analogues in the world and simulation test bench have been constructed and put into operation, unique data on the characteristics of plasma discharge of the tokamak have been obtained. Comprehensive methodological support for the operation of facilities, research in plasma physics and thermonuclear material science was provided as a result Kazakhstan became the owner of the latest test base, unique research experience and new scientific data in controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Thanks to the work of Kazakhstani scientists, new scientific knowledge and competencies have been obtained. The outcomes of the work have been widely recognized at the national and international level
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025