Nuclear Energy Management School

21 November 2023


A total of 38 specialists from 23 IAEA Member States, including the National Nuclear Centre of the Republic of Kazakhstan were trained in the Nuclear Energy Management School. This school was developed for young professionals and mid-level managers working in the nuclear industry of Member States and was organized by the IAEA in collaboration with the China Nuclear Industry College in Beijing.

The Nuclear Energy Management School is held annually, the main objective is to train participants with the leadership and managerial competencies needed to successfully run a national nuclear power programme.

The two-week event covered the current issues of nuclear energy development, the main aspects of nuclear power programmes regulation in the world within the framework of IAEA activities, personnel training, nuclear knowledge management, etc.  

Besides theoretical and practical activities, technical tours to the Chinese nuclear industry facilities, including an operating nuclear power plant, were arranged for all participants.


молодые ученые и специалисты Обучение МАГАТЭ РГП НЯЦ РК атомная энергетика АЭС Китай практические и лекционные занятия подготовка кадров для атомной отрасли технические туры управленческие компетенции ядерно-энергетические программы