18 June 2024
At the National Nuclear Center as a part of official visit of delegations from the lead universities headed by Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki the Vice-Minister of Science and Higher Education of RK, widely discussed the issues of conducting the research operations on the basis of the NNC RK and equally personnel training matters for the Nuclear Industry.
As the vice-minister noted, the qualified staff training is extremely important direction for further success of the Nuclear Industry development, hence the need to strength close cooperation between institutions of higher education and exactly scientific enterprises.
On work of this topic involved the Heads of Universities such as: Kazakh-British Technical University and International Informational Technology University, therefore presenters from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Semey Shakarim University and D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University.
The National Nuclear Center has proven itself as a one of lead scientific-research organization that efficiently find the extensive solutions in the field of atomic energy, radioecology, thermonuclear fusion and geophysics. In addition, has an affordable scientific-technical base and operates the industrial base that consists research reactors, Tokamak KTM, laboratory equipment and other units. There will also a special attraction for the measurements of solving the safety problems of the сontemporary nuclear energy.
According to the Erlan Gadletovich Batyrbekov, currently the enterprise particular relevance is the safety increasing competence of prospect used power reactors, that carried out by the worldwide developers and providers of the nuclear power technology.
Undoubtedly, the qualified staff training is not a least role for the successful work. Today, at the base of NNC RK necessary conditions are provided for the aims of success self-realization, initiatives are being undertaken training and skills enhancement for the specialists, provided a great possibility for the in-service dissertation defense, operates 3 branches of sub-departments of the regional high institutions, management staff and specialists constantly includes in the 3 Dissertation Councils structures. And close cooperation nowadays become important in this direction.
During the visit, arrived delegation visited several NNC RK facilities that included the unique research reactor IVG1.M, which because of long-scale conversion work of reactor, since 2023 commenced to operation with new type of reactor core with low-enriched uranium.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025