12 January 2018
In 2018 the National Nuclear Center of RK plans to implement international projects for the amount over 7.4 billion tenge. Part of them are the projects that has been being implemented in Kazakhstan already for several years. Nevertheless, there are several absolutely new interesting international contracts, which will make possible for Kazakhstani scientists to participate in development of some nuclear reactors being under construction in Europe.
According to Mr.Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of NNC RK, in 2018, implementation of EAGLE-3 project is going to be continued, in the field of nuclear power. As Erlan Batyrbekov informed, in 2017 at EAGLE test bench, an experiment was successfully carried out to optimize the structure of sodium flow rate setting device. Now the test bench is prepared for experiment on determination of dispersion degree of melt, moved through sodium layer to lower trap.
Also, continuation of efforts under previously implemented contracts Cormit and Fukushima are under discussion. – National Nuclear Center of RK has become the only organization in the world, which could simulate core melt of “Fukushina-1” NPP reactor. Not just simulate it, but also study physical and chemical properties of the complex, – noted Erlan Batyrbekov. – This made possible to develop recommendations for Japanese colleagues on operation with contaminated melt. For the present, we are at final stage of discussion with Japanese partners concerning continuation of efforts in terms of radiation safety in nuclear power in 2018.
Project Cormit is one of the interesting projects in the field of radiation safety. This includes studies and searching for special materials, which could be applied on core melt trap. The trap is designed for catching the core melt in case of emergency situation. This prevents recriticality phase, when reactor melt may reach water or soil.
In 2017 managers of NNC RK achieved progress in preparation of large-scale new eight-years contract with French Alternative Energies and Nuclear Energy Commission (CEA) for experimental tests at IGR reactor. In 2018 first stage shall be started – design of reactor experimental devices and sodium loops at IGR reactor. Total of three integral in-pile experiments are scheduled under the program to study behavior of FA of new ASTRID French reactor in case of emergency situation. – We should note that implementation of the program will allow NNC RK to extend its experimental capabilities and get new competence and experience in simulation of severe accidents at fast breeder reactors, – emphasized Erlan Gadletovich Batyrbekov. Besides, specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK will take part in the project to study the core of fast breeder reactor, which is being constructed under “Proryv” Project. In 2018, joint work will be continued with Russian colleagues for the project on conversion of NNC RK research reactors to low-enriched fuel.
On October 18, 2017 we successfully completed the first start-up of IVG.1M reactor of series start-ups of complex experiments with two WCTC-LEU with low-enriched fuel in the core under the IVG.1M reactor conversion program. The start-up was the beginning of new important stage – resource in-pile experiments of experimental samples of water-cooled channels (WCTC) of IVG.1M reactor with perspective low-enriched fuel for uranium-235 (less than 20%). For the present day, four start-ups were completed. In general, 30 similar start-up are scheduled. – The reactor conversion will make possible to achieve upgraded reactor with low-enriched fuel, but also will significantly improve technical condition of reactor and auxiliary systems, as well as infrastructure of “Baikal-1” complex. It is possible that successful start-ups will provide a capability for IGR reactor conversion, – shared Kurchatov scientists’ hope Erlan Batyrbekov.
Ekaterina Gulyaeva, picture of NNC RK archive
Source: http://rudnyi-altai.kz/10253-kontrakty-mirovogo-masshtaba.html Rudny Altai
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