ХХIII Research & Development Contest Conference

16 October 2024


Today the ХХIII Research & Development Contest Conference for young scientists and specialists has commenced at the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This year, the conference is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the first Director General of the enterprise, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Gadlet Andiyanovich Batyrbekov.

The conference is attended by young specialists from the National Nuclear Center, the Institute of Nuclear Physics, NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC, "Shakarim University” (Semey), and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Over the next three days, 37 scientific research papers will be presented. The results of the conference will be provided in our forthcoming materials.





Курчатов молодые ученые и специалисты Конференция-конкурс РГП НЯЦ РК Батырбеков Гадлет Андиянович АО "Казатомпром" научно-исследовательские проекты НИОКР 2024 к 90-летию со дня рождения первого генерального директора Shakarim University КазНУ имени аль-Фараби