24 January 2018
On January 23 Kurchatov Mayor meeting with NNC RK personnel was held in conference hall. Annual reporting meetings with the mayor – are the main channel of feedback path with residents of Kurchatov town and representatives of executive authority.
Initially, reporting meetings of mayors of all levels with population were established by Presidential Decree in 2005. And now, such meetings during 13 years are still one of mayor’s principal function.
Results achieved within the framework of activities conducted for improvement of residents’ live quality, tasks realization, set by the Head of the State, N.N. Nazarbayev and implementation of government and regional programs became the main work results for 2017, as Almas Amankolovich mentioned in his report.
Results are mainly positive: average wage was increased, social programs are under implementation, small and medium business is developing, architectural appearance of the town is been improving, and town mayor stopped in details on plans and projects for 2018.
Members of our enterprise place a lot of hope in projects, planned to be implemented this year. Advantage of such kind of meetings is great, and that is to solve social problems, issues of municipal housing economy, enumerated by members of different enterprises at the current meeting.
As the whole, we think that the first report of our mayor in 2018 was held on positive and constructive note. Almas Amankolovich answered a number of problem issues, arisen by the members of NNC RK, indicating terms of appropriate actions that will be taken on their solving. Mayor gave relevant instructions to his subordinate members regarding all proposals and remarks from NNС staff obtained during reporting meeting.
G. K. Karymbayeva, Secretary of the local Maslikhat, and S.A. Berezin, Deputy Director General of RSE NNC RK expressed their gratitude to the Mayor for his detailed report and supported his initiatives and future projects of executive authority for 2018. The main message for our members became words of Almas Amankolovich about joint efforts and exit strategy – we will cope, as we coped before. – “The main point is that we must remain united, support stability and harmony, appreciate value of peaceful life that we possess today. We must work closely together in all directions”.
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
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24 February 2025