22 February 2018
Students of the 4th course of the State University named after Shakarim, Semey, “Applied Physics” chair and “Physics” chair attended several facilities of the National Nuclear Center of RK. Excursion was conducted within the framework of one of the working trends of Council of Young Scientists and NNC members – “Educational guidance of the youth in nuclear industry”, managed by Timur Tulenbergenov, Council member, leading engineer.
Students visited “Baikal-1” RRC experimental complex, Kazakhstan’s Material Testing Tokamak, A division, museum of Semipalatinsk Test Site and museum of the National Nuclear Center within two days.
At “Baikal-1” RRC they familiarized with the history of IVG.1M research reactor construction, its operating principle and technological systems. Also they visited reactor control room, reactor building and reactor cooling system.
In Material Testing Division of the Institute of Atomic Energy activity of material science complex was demonstrated to the young specialists, that is study of structural and fuel materials of the modern reactor facilities.
In the process of Tokamak KTM visiting it was noted, that KTM Project implementation will make Kazakhstan one of the 10 countries, possessing advanced research facilities of thermonuclear fusion, create a basis for solution of the topical issues of the modern nuclear power engineering among which artificial nuclear fuel best practice, fuel cycle closure, nuclear wastes utilization corresponding to the modern approaches in nuclear power development with application of controlled thermonuclear fusion achievements.
Conversance with the history of Semipalatinsk Test Site became the final part of the excursion. Museum members narrated about the first steps on the way of nuclear weapon creation, about nuclear tests consequences, STS closure and role of our Country in nuclear disarmament and peaceful nuclear development.
Council of Young Scientists and NNC RK Members
07 March 2025
27 February 2025
24 February 2025
24 February 2025