30 мамыр 2018
By the efforts of Kazakhstani scientists, the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site today presents a unique laboratory, where researchers from the whole world are endeavor to work. Issues on radiation safety, nuclear weapon non-proliferation, fundamental studies in the area of nuclear physics – here are far from complete range of directions, the large-scale scientific-research complex of our country is operated upon today– National Nuclear Center of RK.
There are scientists, no military men
26 years ago, when Semipalatinsk Test Site became silent forever, nuclear physicist-scientists came instead of military men. They practically blindly (all documentation was removed or liquidated – “Kъ”) during several decades in collaboration with foreign partners have to liquidate the whole infrastructure of the operational test site.
Reactor complexes “Baikal-1” and IGR, benches, facilities – all these and many others became the legacy of the National Nuclear Center of RK remained due to the activity of military-industrial complex at the Semipalatinsk Test Site. Nuclear physicist-scientists managed not only to save a unique natural laboratory, but to enlarge significantly its scientific and technical base during the years of Kazakhstan’s Independence. This enables Kazakhstani scientists in collaboration with colleagues from Russia, USA, France, Japan and a number of other countries to develop unique technologies and implement major international projects in the field of radioecological researches, thermonuclear and nuclear power, continuing to master the “peaceful atom”.
“For the past 26 years the National Nuclear Center of RK became a large scientific-research center, a competent participant of the International scientific community. The scientific and technical potential, the variety of directions and availability of the unique experimental base enabled to solve a complicated complex of issues on the elimination of nuclear testing infrastructure in collaboration with international partners, as well as to create scientific-technical, technological and personnel base for nuclear power development in Kazakhstan. I would like to also mention that the National Nuclear Center achievements were reflected in three-volume monograph “Scientific, technical and engineering work to ensure the safety of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site”, written with participation of N.A. Nazarbayev, the Head of State and Nation Leader. It was very important to tell about such a unique working experience, therefore it was published in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) and disseminated to libraries and scientific organizations of the world”, - emphasized Erlan Batyrbekov, the Director General of NNC RK.
In partnership with foreign colleagues
Research nuclear reactors and a number of experimental benches of NNC RK are used for applied scientific researches conduction on issues of reactor physics, nuclear technologies, nuclear fuel and reactor materials testing in critical thermal modes, construction materials radiation resistance, etc.
The National Nuclear Center of RK implemented the major international projects in 2018. As explained by Erlan Batyrbekov, Project EAGLE-3 has been realizing in area of nuclear power. Also operations will be continued on earlier successfully implemented contracts Cormit and Fukushima.
“The National Nuclear Center of RK became the only organization in the world that managed to simulate core melt of emergency reactor NPP “Fukushima-1”. And not only to simulate but to study the physical and chemical properties of this complex”, - noted Erlan Batyrbekov. – This enabled to develop a number of recommendations for our Japanese colleagues in area of reactor core melt.
Cormit can be called as one of the interesting projects in area of radiation safety. It includes studies and search of special materials that could be coated on a trap for core melt. This trap in particular is designed for core melt catching in case of contingency situation. Hence, the threat of re-criticality phase is prevented even if nuclear reactor melt fell into water or soil.
Currently the NNC RK management widens the geography of projects. French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission expressed their interest for collaboration in area of tests conduction at IGR reactor. Great interest is expressed by Russian colleagues, in particular, JSC Dollezhal NIKIET. The Agreement was signed with them on May 19, 2017 during International Workshop dedicated to 25th Anniversary of the Decree adoption. The Agreement provides conduction of a number of reactor experiments on IGR reactor.
“It should be noted, that implementation of these programs will enable NNC RK to widen experimental possibilities, gain new competences and experience in area of severe accidents modeling at fast reactors”, - underlined Erlan Gadletovich.
Research Reactor Conversion
During several years, the National Nuclear Center of RK has been implementing projects on research reactors conversion. The main objective – is reduction of IVG.1M and IGR reactors fuel enrichment from 90% to 19.75% upon U-235 (Uranium-235). This can help to make another step towards reducing the risk of nuclear material proliferation, suitable for nuclear weapon production.
On October 18, 2017, the first start-up of IVG.1M reactor was carried out of the series of start-ups of two experimental water-cooled technological channels with LEU fuel (WCTC-LEU) inside core under IVG.1M Reactor Conversion Program.
The start-up commemorated the beginning of new important stage – resource in-pile tests of experimental WCTC of IVG.1M reactor with prospective fuel of low enrichment upon Uranium -235 (less than 20%).
14 start-ups have been already realized at total energy release 278 MW×hours (target value of energy release in start-up series – 1 080 MW×hours).
Operations on IVG.1M fuel enrichment reduction correspond to interests of RSE NNC RK considering that the existing core resource will be exhausted in the nearest future (due to low reactivity charge). At the same time, the efforts of NNC RK specialists are aimed at solving the urgent task on improving reactor performance after its conversion. For this purpose, a complex of measures on reactor technological systems upgrade is developed, aimed at reactor power increase. In spite of the fact, that the existing HEU core replacement for LEU fuel would not require development and approval of new IVG.1M Technical Project, issues are considered as to improve the characteristics of such systems as reactor control and protection system (CPS), fuel tightness control system, etc.
RW Management
In 2010, all spent nuclear fuel from BN-350 reactor (SNF BN-350) was transported to the Reactor Complex “Baikal-1” under BN-350 Reactor Decommissioning Project for the purpose of long-term storage under the IAEA safeguards.
NNC provides safe and reliable conditions for SNF BN-350 storage, at that the probability of unauthorized access to the fuel is practically reduced to zero.
Technical and technological capabilities of RRC “Baikal-1” and competences of NNC RK specialists in area of RW management enabled to find solution for another non-proliferation issue, associated with exclusion of unauthorized access to RW and ampoule sources of ionizing radiation (ASIR). A special storage for RW and spent ASIR was constructed in 1995 on the basis of available structures at “Baikal-1” complex that were widely used in production sector, science, medicine and other industries.
Due to regular demand for RW management services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, currently NNC RK constantly take measures to expand the volume and upgrade the quality of waste storage technologies.
Unique laboratory
The former Semipalatinsk test site is the unique legacy of military and industrial complex of USSR– today is unique open-air laboratory. Within 24 years, specialists of NNC RK perform researches to estimate radiation situation at the former test site.
“As for the present, comprehensive ecological survey is completed for a part of the test site territory, area of 10410 km2 (56.3 % of total test site area), and territory of Balapan testing site for area 770 km2. The survey results revealed that territory of 9 970.45 km2 pose no hazard for people or environment, therefore, may be used in agriculture without limitations”, - explained Erlan Batyrbekov.
On the year of 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2021, completion of the comprehensive survey of test site area is planned. This will make possible to update the STS borders and determine the lands which could be returned for land utilization.
Also, we plan to determine the territories which can be used with some limitations, and the areas which should remain reserve land. Thus, by 2021 information shall be obtained allowing to update the borders of Semipalatinsk test site according to the existing radioecological situation.
Non-proliferation regime support
After the termination of nuclear testing, at the former Semipalatinsk test site remained objects containing “sensitive” information on nuclear test technology. These objects include Kolba containers and special process equipment (CPE), separate tunnels of Degelen mountain massif and sites containing dispersed residues of nuclear activity.
For this reason, in the early days of the Independence, Kazakhstan Government set a number of tasks for the NNC RK, aimed at solution of issues related to WMD non-proliferation support. Works under the issue were performed and are still ongoing under the international cooperation.
“We in cooperation with international partners have carried out a large-scale activity to eliminate nuclear weapon test infrastructure and consequences. Today we may state with confidence that the test site has become much safer, and direct threats posed to Kazakhstan and the whole world community, were localized”, - commented Erlan Gadletovich.
Experience gained in elimination of infrastructure made possible for the National Nuclear Center to commence a project for elimination of WMD test consequences in terms of non-proliferation. We have started detailed survey of the Experimental Field testing site. The purpose of the effort was to detect possible high concentration of nuclear activity wastes, and to neutralize them. Remediation is performed for separate STS areas.
To eliminate the tests consequences, we started remediation of the most contaminated areas at the “Experimental Field” and “Degelen” sites. At “Experimental Field” site, contaminated soil was removed, bound with special solution and placed for long-term storage at “Baikal-1” site. Deep plowing at the adjacent areas allowed to reduce radioactive contamination level.
At “Degelen” site, the most contaminated near-portal areas of 40 tunnels were backfilled with clean soil. To restrict the access to the “Experimental Field” and “Degelen” sites and to the location of radioactive warfare weapon (RWW) tests at the areas “4” and “4А”, system was created, preventing physical access.
The gained experience and initiatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan in strengthening international nuclear weapon non-proliferation regime, attracted great interest of Group of Governmental Experts members – counselors to UN General Secretary in verification of nuclear disarmament, and Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of the National Nuclear Center is a member of the group.
“I also would like to note that the National Nuclear Center is quite unique scientific research enterprise in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The uniqueness consists either in competence and great experience of the center in quite specific issues, which I have mentioned”, - said Erlan Gadletovich, - or innovation and relevance of our scientific developments. To my mind, two major factors determine the success of scientific research organization. The factors are: publications of employees and financial and economic indices of the activity.
The NNC RK is among the best in Kazakhstan in publication activity. This is confirmed by the award “Leader of science” given to a group of our employees, their article reached top (1%) of most cited articles for 2005-2015, according to information resource Thomson Reuters. The fact was reflected last year in National report on science.
As for financial and economic indices, the National Nuclear Center for the several years intensively increases amount of non-budgetary financing. For the present, over 70% of the enterprise budget is drawn up by commercial projects, first of all, international contracts and agreements, and about 30 % for the efforts funded by republican budget. This proves that our competence and experience are demanded domestically and in international scientific community.
Author: Ekaterina GULYAEVA
Photo: Demkristo.livejournal.com
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